3rd International Open Submission Printmaking Show

Dec 5th 2013 – Jan 19th 2014

The 3rd Art at Wharepuke Open Submission Printmaking Show attracted entries from artists from 12 different countries around the world. The exhibition includes prints from 35 artists in a range of printmaking techniques with each work limited to within an A4 paper size.
An international jury of artist printmakers and gallerists will select one artist to receive a prize of a solo show at Art at Wharepuke in 2014.
This years judges are:
Friedhard Kiekeben (USA) – http://www.friedhardkiekeben.com/
James Pasakos (Australia)  – http://www.jamespasakos.com/
Jo Giddens (NZ) – winner 2nd Wharepuke International Open Print Show
Laura Widmer (Canada) – http://laurawidmer.ca/
Ian Rastrick (UK) Director Ian Rastrick Fine Art – http://www.ianrastrick.com/index.html

Irena Keckes(NZ/Croatia) Black Print  Japanese woodblock

Geoff Tune(NZ) Port Vendres – Thinking Of Matisse 13  Digital Print

Russell Frost (UK) Free Roaming   Letter press

Anita S. Hunt(USA)  Deluge II   Etching and aquatint
A limited edition  full colour catalogue of the show will be available from the gallery and the winner will be announced in the New Year.  Selected images