Ian Brown & Paul Jones
Dust and Clouds: Dots and Pixels
Art at Wharepuke Exhibition
Gallery open 7 days – 9.00am – 5.00pm

Paul Jones and Ian Brown both share an interest in the same source material; images of elemental natural forces at work. Each has a fascination with the almost intangible nature of this phenomena where ‘dust and clouds’ of poetic beauty describe events of cataclysmic proportion.
For Paul Jones this is a touchstone connecting him to an interior world of the imagination, while in perhaps a more detached manner, Ian Brown is looking into the way we experience the act of looking. Dots and pixels act as the mediation between the real world, the photograph and its expression in print.
Both artists come together in this show of drawings and prints as Paul collaborates with Ian to convert and reconfigure some of his drawings into print, through the solar plate etching process.